Saturday, March 10, 2012


It's been a while since I've posted. There have been a number of changes in my life, with weight loss and fitness and what I am paid to do.

In July, I started my job search in earnest and with even more vigor in August. It paid off. I found a job as a nanny for twins (they were born November 2010) and it is AMAZING how much of a difference this has made in my happiness, health, and sanity. I know, you're probably thinking, twins, sanity? Yes, I do believe I am a little more sane, even if my posts on FB sometimes reflect the insanity of multiples care. In some ways, caring for two is easier than one. And, of course, in the most obvious ways, it is more difficult. However, even with those less than desirable qualities of caring for two children at once (sickness, tired, and sibling jealousy!), it is SO much better than where I was before. in a job where I could not give 100% because I could not work well in the environment there. And it appears nothing has improved (too many former coworkers still have absolutely miserable days and I am certain that there is one person as the cause!). I love what I'm doing now. LOVE it. And I am very rarely paid less than 40 hours. In fact, it's quite often I am over. I was even able to buy Christmas gifts for my family this year AND pay January bills! That is one thing I do not miss about education / daycare. Next week, we are going to pull out the finger paints, rice, beans, and other fun materials for some newer sensory play!

Now, on to weight loss. I think, I am sure I could confirm this by reading back to the beginning of this blog, that my high weight was 267. I did manage to lose about 15 pounds from my working out attempts. But due to injuries and lack of motivation, I gained about 10 back. Around Christmas of 2011, I weighed 257. When I reach my next goal, or on Pascha, I intend to update my weight loss. I have very nearly into another, smaller, pant size and can wear my smaller bras (2 sizes down), almost. So, what inspired my change?

I want a baby. And at 257, I was in a terribly unhealthy position for childbearing. And, well, I was tired of seeing all the fat. Also, I want to be able to make it to first base without being thrown out if I hit the ball toward the left fielder. When I met with my doctor in December, she suggested keeping a food diary. She suggested using MyFitnessPal, an iphone/ipad app with a website for tracking and calculating calories and other nutrition bits. There is a section for goals, where one can select a weight loss/gain goal of x# lbs a week. I selected 2 lbs a week, which set me at 1500/cal a day for the first 10 lbs. When I hit that mark, it bumped me down to 1440/cal a day (I had a hard time with this for the first two weeks!). While I have not kept the goal EVERY day, I have kept it up for a good 90% of the time. My exercise has not been as consistent, but I recently joined Curves again and this will help with my exercise hang ups some. Basically, I just didnt want to drive to Redmond at 6 pm at night to go to the RAC and not get home until nearly 8. I felt I was wasting my time driving there and back and not even doing strength training (I just wasn't doing it. I was being lazy.). Curves is a few miles from my house, in the right direction. After my first workout, I realized how out of shape (and tight) my muscles have become!

For now, this is all. Watch for more updates. Possibly recipes I've enjoyed?

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Netflix and Cardio

It is really amazing how much easier it is to workout for a longer period of time when you are watching netflix! Yay for a phone that doesn't die every 5-20 minutes!

60 minutes on the elliptical, 700 calories, I feel pretty good, but my hip flexors are still strained... bah.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


I wrote before about wanting to get back into a healthy lifestyle.

Food: My weekday meals have been fairly consistent with portion sizes. But I have noticed that if I don't plan ahead, I don't make the best choices. I will need to go to Costco and get more Jimmy Dean breakfast sandwiches. Now, Iknow, not the healthiest breakfast. BUT, if I eat that for breakfast, a controlled amount of something yummy, I eat so much better the rest of the day. i've learned that it helps to have an apple to eat between work at home. it keeps me from stopping for fast food "snacks". My biggest struggle now is the weekends. I am eating too much food, too close together.

So what are some things I could eat on the weekend that are filling, nutritious, and delicious that seem like I am not eating in a restricted fashion? I know eggs aren't that great, but they are nutritious in various ways. My mind is always set on bacon eggs and toast Saturday morning. I know it is really quite an unhealthy meal and shouldn't be eaten on a weekly basis. So, what about a 'baby steps' alternative? How about an omelet with lots of veggies? Or eggs and toast and fruit? Two slices of french toast with fresh fruit topping? Any suggestions?

Exercise: I was doing well for a while. However, I haven't been working out when I don't make it in time for my favorite class. And I'm having trouble gaining interest in using the elliptical. I need to remind myself that I can read while I'm on the elliptical and still get a good workout. I can read and "ellipt", do some weights, the read and "ellipt" again.

I've found that I really need to be careful with the exercise I am doing. I haven't even attempt to do any of the home exercise for my hip strain and, of course, there's been no improvements. So, I think I may just have to settle with the aforementioned exercise program with hip flexor exercises either at home or at the gym. I can't let my "work" be my excuse for not exercising. Because that's just it -- an excuse. Not a real reason to put aside healthy living. Healthy eating is easier when I am exercising.

Any suggestions for low impact, fun exercise that doesn't involve paying more money?

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Job Applications

So, I'm applying for jobs, jobs that pay more than $xx.xx/hr. Yeah, I'm contractually bound not to discuss my wage with anyone. To stay where I am, in the home I've made, I have to get a better paying job. To stay where I am and be able to afford a new car, I have to get a better paying job. At the very bare minimum, I need to be making at least $16/hr to be comfortable and know that I can take a week off without it dramatically effecting my ability to pay bills. As it is, if I were to divide shared bills equally and what not.... I would not be able to pay my equal share on my current income. I thank God that my husband is reasonable and considerate and incredibly patient with my lack of financial contribution to our home.

It is incredibly frustrating to have a college degree, to graduate with honors from both high school and college, and to have very little to show for it. My car was sold the year I began learning cursive. I cannot afford a new car. I honestly have no idea what I would do right now if my car broke down again. That reminds me that I need to finish paying off my last car repairs. I hate being in this position financially. The only thing I could do to make any difference in the financial situation is move to a much less expensive home, and honestly, as my DH has so gently reminded me, for us to find space for us, for our belongings, as is, we would only save a few hundred dollars between the two of us. That is enough for a car payment, but honestly, I just want things to go the way I had planned! I know there are so many people in the same position as I am, or worse, and I know people are in worse positions. It's just, gah!, not what I had in mind for a college graduate.

I did get myself into this. I chose teaching, I knew it wasn't the best pay. But, I knew that "real" teachers made a decent wage, a living wage. A lot of teacher's complain about low pay, but really, 6 weeks vacation at the bare minimum, more like 8-10 weeks, and starting at the high $30K a year. I didn't even make $30K this year, but what can I expect out of an economical childcare facility?

Many of you have heard why I am searching for a job. I have been miserable a good portion of the last 10-11 months. I'm sure I have complained to most of you reading. I don't appreciate the unprofessional behavior of certain administrative persons at my work place and I know I'm not the only one. Honestly, there's got to be a smoother way to run things. Other's have visited other locations and had a much calmer experience. Favoritism. Dishonesty. Seemingly erratic behavior. Constant change that does not appear to have reason. Dishonesty and favoritism are high on the list of annoyances. but not being able to give 100% to my job because of policy, because of controlling behavior, because of lack of support, because of how things just have to be done, "RIGHT NOW", I guess I'm just not designed for this fast-paced environment. Even though I seem to be able to function just FINE everywhere else. Which brings me to the focus of this post.

Job applications.

The idea totally shakes me up. I save lists of jobs I'd love to apply for, but I'm anxious about even sending an email of my resume. How many jobs have I applied for in the last 6 years and not been offered? What ever happened to face to face? To people meeting people. All we are is a list of words these days. I've only had a handful of teaching interviews. Most of those were for substitute teaching. I've only ever been called back for a second interview once, and that was for this job I have now. What is wrong with my resume? My cover letters? I honestly have no idea. Stock letter? Original letter? Reformat? Imitate? Who's the dope who gave up her $15.50/hr because she had to teach? *kicks self*

I know it's silly to be afraid to send out resumes. At some point, something has got to come out of it. But the lack of respond is pretty frustrating. I actually had an interview and an invitation for a second interview and then, nothing! I seemed to pushy by emailing? I called and shouldn't have? Or maybe there are just that many more people out there with more experience? This has been the case for the last 6 years. How can I get experience without a chance to get experience?

Anyway, I made a list of ideas of where to apply in OneNote, and that triggered this "why, why, why" cycle for me. I'd LOVE to hear someone else complain about their unsuccessful journey. Misery loves company. :-) Okay, I'm only miserable for the amount of time I put into this blog post, but I do feel better knowing I'm not the only one in the same frustrated position!

I just want to work hard. Do an awesome, efficient job. Get paid $16-19/hr. Get a new car. Make people happy with what I'm doing. Work hard and leave it there. Organize things. Teach, if possible. Have a boss who is honest and considerate. Someone who wants to work as a team to do an awesome job at whatever we're doing. Or at least coworkers who do.

Anyone else out there? Is there any way to do this without going back to school?

Monday, May 30, 2011

Christine’s Hearty and Spicy Spaghetti Sauce

Christine’s Hearty and Spicy Spaghetti Sauce:

- #10 can of crushed tomatoes (this was almost 7 lbs)
- two 4 oz cans of sliced mushrooms
- 1/8 c italian seasoning
- 1 1/4 c red wine
- 3-4 tbsp red pepper flakes
- 2 cans of black pearl olives ( I sliced them)
- ¼ c olive oil
- 1 lb sundried tomatoes (in oil, purchased at costco)
- 2 large red onions
- 3 red bell peppers
- 1/4 c garlic (minced)
- 2 sliced and halved roast zucchinis (roasted with thyme, garlic, and pepper)
- 2 lbs of costco's chicken italian sausage
- salt and pepper to taste

1. Slice and sautee onions in olive oil with salt over medium heat until light brown. Add in bell peppers and garlic, cook until soft.
2. In 6 qt pot, add crushed tomatoes, wine, spices, oil, olives, pepper flakes, and mushrooms. Cook over medium heat, covered.
3. Slice zucchini in half, cover with oil and spices, roast in oven until cooked thoroughly.
4. Add sautéed vegetables and roast zucchini to 6 qt pot, reduce heat, simmer.
5. In frying pan, cook chicken sausage (like taco meat, crumbled). Do not drain.
6. Add sausage to 6 qt pot, mix, simmer until tomatoes sweeten to just the right taste, add salt and pepper to taste.

Note: This whole process took about 4.5 hours. We started at 7 p.m. and did steps 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6, then went out for two hours (from 9-11 p.m.). Then we returned and did step 3, and let it cook for another half hour and turned off the heat. We did have to use two pots until the sauce cooked down a bit.

Friday, May 20, 2011


While at work on Thursday, I felt my sciatica flare up again. I reached, a bent, I yipped. After softball practice that evening (I know, stupid!) it was really awful. Walking with a normal step and pace was literally impossible without that sharp terrible pain in the right buttock. Oh, how I hate you cockeyed hips and lumbar region! Makes me feel like the 9-12 weeks of chiropractic care and traction and $3000 later was wasted! Must remember to stretch. I think next week I'll back off the partial slacking and get back on the bandwagon. Yardwork can wait. Must go to Body by Candy.

And the enchiladas I made -- they were AWESOME! I will be making those again sometime.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Aches, Pains, and ?

Don't really have a whole lot to say other than, I'm back on track with food, exercise is present, but not too intense yet, and my hip flexors are hurting! I think they became more sensitive after batting practice Monday. I haven't started the program my doctor suggested, but I do want to start it at some point in the not too distant future.

Mowed the lawn two days in a row and managed to burn up the motor a bit! My lawn is looking a bit better, and so are the weeds... :-/

Tomorrow I get to play softball in beautiful sunny weather!

Next post to be about job hunting...